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You know, there are a couple of question that always have the same answer. Where are you? What time is it? If a person is telling you the truth they’ll always answer, “I’m here” and “It’s now.” But we waste an awful lot of our lives living in the imagined future or the dead past.

We keep a Sand Timer in front of us and think about this for a moment: If we let the sand in the glass represent our lifetime, the sand on the top of the glass would represent the future and the sand in the bottom of the glass would represent the past. And we have no idea how much sand we have left in the top of the glass.

Let's take couple of examples. There was a old lady aged 70 years and she used to say that, “I’ll soon be gone, I’ll soon be gone.” And do you know something? Everyone thought she was never going to go. She lived to be ninety years and the angels just came and took her away one night in her sleep. She thought she had just a little sand, but she actually had a lot.

Let's take one more example, there was one guy named James sixteen years old. One day he was coming on to Road highway in an open paneled truck. He hit the abutment of a bridge and there were gallons of paint in the back that came flying forward, and smashed him against the bridge and his life was snuffed out. Sixteen years old. It was a terrible thing. If you had asked James just a half hour before that how much sand he had left, he would have said at least half a century. The truth is, none of us knows how much sand we have left on the top half of the Sand Timer. There’s one thing we do know: We can’t just turn it over and start again.

Now think. We cannot do anything about the future, nor can we do anything about the past. The only thing we can focus on is what’s right here, right now. And it’s not easy to focus on the here and the now.

You see, we have to really pay attention to what we are doing. Give it everything we have got. we can do that for a short period of time. And if we can do it for a short period of time, and another short period of time, and then another short period of time—we can turn it into a habit. We’ll make it a habit to focus on the here and the now.

This is my own experience. I used to live in past or in worry about the future. I have learned this lesson and started to apply it. I have started to focus on only present times, however in starting phase it was very difficult to apply it. Even if I was trying a lot to focus on only present moment, I was not able to do that and again I was going back to the same level. But you know, I have keep continuing it and gradually it's become my habit. This is the power of persistence. Now I am focusing only on NOW and I can enjoy this current moment at the best possible level. I love this lesson. It's really a very good idea to learn. 

Always keep in mind that, "The only thing we are really in control of—IS NOW." 
Enjoy it and make the best possible out from each day!


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