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Detach from the physical world. Be part of the daily activity of life but not enslaved by it. Do not allow your happiness or peace of mind to depend on anything outside of your spirit including the acquisition of material things, the attainment of fulfilling relationships, or the approval or agreement of others.

If you are attached to striving to control what you actually cannot in an attempt to achieve joy and a sense of well-being, you are forever doomed. Let go of the need for such manipulation, and do not waste time lamenting or suffering over what is not going your way-nor clinging to notions that circumstances should be other than what they are. Life is what it is.

You may have your preferences and choose to create something else if you do not like what you are experiencing, but do not squander hours agonizing over what is not going your way. Detachment is an attitude that chooses peace of mind over struggling against the world. It means accepting what is without wasting your energy on resistance or wanting things to be different than they are. It is not resignation, but the quiet acceptance of the present reality as you have made it. When you are calm and self-possessed, you preserve your emotions and direct them toward creating what you want rather than against what you do not.

To detach means to choose to have a quiet, content mind no matter what your external conditions are. You are not asked to withdraw, cut yourself off, shut down, push away experiences, or deny yourself the joy of anything. Instead, you are simply required to respond creatively rather than react emotionally to life as it unfolds before you.

One reason why it is important to do this is that as a spiritual being, you eventually leave the physical realm, so you never truly own anything anyway. No matter what you accumulate in this lifetime, when it is time to pass to another dimension through death, you must leave it all behind.

As long as the ego defines your desires, detachment is impossible. This part of you clings to everything and wants to control it all. Only your spirit allows you to break free.

Start by letting go of all unnecessary material objects. It is important to be comfortable and secure, and it is perfectly fine to manifest and enjoy all the beautiful things and experiences in this life that you desire. Just remember that creating is vital, not having. Do not fall into the trap of needing or holding on to what you have drawn into your life too tightly-or painfully grasping fears of not getting what you want-because the price is your peace. The ego loves to keep raising the bar of what you believe you need to feel contented and safe, and it is never satisfied. In fact, ego attachments never allow tranquility. The more you are able to let go of them, changing them to preferences rather than needs, the freer you are to remain serene and undisturbed.

Just as you should avoid clinging to things, it is also foolish to become overly attached to ideas or beliefs. What may work in one situation or circumstance may not serve in another. However, what is true for you may not be true for the person next to you, so arguing over these strongly held opinions is futile.

It is especially crucial that you detach from the need to win the regard of others. No one possesses the power to approve or disapprove of you. The Lord of the Universe created you, and all that God makes is good and holy including you.

To detach does not mean to stop loving or caring; instead, you no longer try to control so much and allow the Universe to direct instead. Not doing this, paradoxically, can rob you of everything.

All suffering comes from attachment: "If only ... he/she loved me ... I had more money ... I looked different ... my family were another way ... I had gone to school, I received more approval, or ... I got what I wanted."

Detachment frees you from ego centered fears and demands and reconnects you to your Higher Self. It is the antidote to your pain; and it allows you to flow with reality, gracefully and with peace of mind.



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