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Detach from the physical world. Be part of the daily activity of life but not enslaved by it. Do not allow your happiness or peace of mind to depend on anything outside of your spirit including the acquisition of material things, the attainment of fulfilling relationships, or the approval or agreement of others. If you are attached to striving to control what you actually cannot in an attempt to achieve joy and a sense of well-being, you are forever doomed . Let go of the need for such manipulation, and do not waste time lamenting or suffering over what is not going your way-nor clinging to notions that circumstances should be other than what they are. Life is what it is. You may have your preferences and choose to create something else if you do not like what you are experiencing, but do not squander hours agonizing over what is not going your way. Detachment is an attitude that chooses peace of mind over struggling against the world. It means accepting what is without wastin...
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You know, there are a couple of question that always have the same answer. Where are you? What time is it? If a person is telling you the truth they’ll always answer, “I’m here” and “It’s now.” But we waste an awful lot of our lives living in the imagined future or the dead past. We keep a Sand Timer in front of us and think about this for a moment: If we let the sand in the glass represent our lifetime, the sand on the top of the glass would represent the future and the sand in the bottom of the glass would represent the past. And we have no idea how much sand we have left in the top of the glass. Let's take couple of examples. There was a old lady aged 70 years and she used to say that, “I’ll soon be gone, I’ll soon be gone.” And do you know something? Everyone thought she was never going to go. She lived to be ninety years and the angels just came and took her away one night in her sleep. She thought she had just a little sand, but she actually had a lot. Let's ...


I want to share one story and there's a phenomenal lesson in it. It’s a story about one boy, Raymond.  Raymond is a big guy and when Raymond was in high school that’s quite a long time ago. Raymond was on the swimming team, and he was a good swimmer, he was a very good swimmer. The coach really like having Raymond on the team because he was such a strong swimmer. He was strong because he was big, and he liked it.  It’s probably much the same almost everywhere if you’re on a swimming team in school or in college. You probably train very early in the morning. And the same way Raymond leaving the house at around five o’clock and practice swimming. And this went on for quite a while.  And one day Raymond and his father were in the kitchen. Father was in kitchen when he came in. And Raymond’s wandering around wandering around and he just don’t know what it is. So anyway, Raymond he’s talking, he said, “Dad can I talk to you for a minute?” And Dad said, “S...

The Key to 'BOUNCE BACK'!

We all want to be happy. We often set our goals around things that we believe will make us “happy.” For example: • I want a new home • I want to find my soulmate • I want to get a new job/business/profession that I love • I want to make X amount a year • I want to travel the world Those are just a few examples of things one might want to achieve, and you also have a few of your own you could easily add. All those things are great, of course, and if we go back to the last time we achieved something significant in our life, definitely it did make us happy. However, the question is: how long were we happy for? Often when we achieve something great, we are happy for a certain amount of time. Then eventually that happiness wanes, and we jump on to the next “goal” or the next achievement to conquer (so we can be happy again). This type of happiness is equivalent to being on a roller coaster ride that just never ends. Up and down, up and down, up and down! ...

Kiss Yourself!

If we are true to ourselves, we cannot be false to anyone else! Really you have got to get to a point where you can kiss yourself.  What do you like about yourself, what is really good about you? What can you recognize? We are not talking about going on an ego trip. We are talking about the healthy conscious appreciation for who we are! We are God’s highest form of creation. What do we do really well? Think about it. We know, if by focusing on what we do well that is going to inspire us to do whatever we are doing even better. Better is a beautiful word. It does not matter how well we have been doing it, we can do it better.  Really we need to think and ask,  What do I do really well? What is really good about me?  What should I really appreciate about me?  At least, write down just five points on a little piece of paper carry them around with you, read it, focus on it and be grateful about it! And every once in a while, ki...

Purpose, Vision, Goals!

Do we have a definite purpose that guides our ambitions, vision, and goals? It doesn’t matter how you think you arrived here on this planet or under whose direction the fact remains that each of us has specific talents and gifts that are uniquely coded within our own DNA. As you go through life, you don’t just pick up things you like doing by chance. You discover what you’re good at because you were meant to discover it, just as you were meant to figure out what your fingers do, and how your elbows work. Your unique gifts are hardwired into your system just as surely as your lungs are given their blueprint to breathe. And it’s from these specific talents and gifts that you’re able to define and determine your definite purpose … the reason why you’re here. What’s in you cannot be found in another living human being. In fact, it’s quite possible that what you bring to the table hasn’t been duplicated—ever—since time began. That’s right! This “purpose” is serious business. ...

Just How Ambitious Are YOU!

How ambitious are you in fulfillment of your purpose? Ambition is the expression of your desire—it’s the thing that drives you. Remember, ambition is the talent agent that puts you in the spotlight on the stage of life. It’s the fuel that pushes you forward. It gives you confidence. Confidence is strength with style. Arnold Palmer says that confidence is a mix of concentration and pure hunger. There’s an enormous difference between hunger and greed. Hunger is understanding that you have an infinite source of supply and that you’re here to do God’s work—after all, God is the creator and God’s work is creation. It’s why we all possess this hunger to express this power in a greater way every day. Greed, on the other hand, indicates there is a limited supply and we may not get our share so we will take it from anyone and everyone. We don’t care what happens to the next person—it’s every man for himself. When you’re in harmony with the law, greed thinking does NOT exist. What are...

Take control of circumstances!

Choice is one of the most important concepts that one can get. There is one of the important laws to understand is the Law of Polarity. There’d be no inside to the room you’re in if there wasn’t an outside. You couldn’t have a right side to your body without a left, or a top without a bottom or a front without a back. You can’t have a bad without a good. See the truth is we make it bad or good. Ralph Waldo said “Nothing is good or bad except our thinking will make it so”. Well, if everything is both good and bad and we bring it together what’s right in the centre? If everything in here is bad, everything here is good. What’s in the centre just is. Everything just is. You choose whether you’re going to look at the down side or the up side. Michael Beckwith gave us a marvelous concept. He said it doesn’t matter what happens in your life. Doesn’t matter what happens. You can’t control the circumstance but you can certainly control how you deal with them. He said when anyt...


You know, I was recently studying one of Law; Law of Forgiveness. This is the law I love. It is such a phenomenal concept. You know resentment and guilt will stop us from winning quicker than anything or feeling bad about something we did maybe today, yesterday or five years ago. It’s certainly not something that we’re typically raised to understand. We hear it but we don’t really buy it. In fact, I think we’re really programmed with the concept of getting even; when you get hit, hit back. And that doesn’t work. It really doesn’t. But do you know what does work? Forgiveness. Forgive means to let go of completely; abandon. If someone is doing something that is wrong—ii’s unlawful, or they’re trying to hurt you—don’t try and get even with them. The second you try and get even with them, you put your mind in the wrong direction. If you’re doing something wrong, the Law is going to handle it. What you put out comes back to you. Forgiveness is the one of the healthiest psychological mo...

Get Up and make yourself better than before!

We all are very familiar with the notion of getting up. It is a phrase used to describe the act of rising from one position to a higher one, such as from a seated position to standing one. As a matter of fact, we all go about our days getting up from multiple positions, without even thinking about it. Our day starts with getting up out of bed. Once we have breakfast, we have to get up from the table and move on to our next destination. We get into our cars and drive to work or get behind our desks, and then we eventually have to get up from there to perform our job’s responsibilities. Perhaps we come home and sit on the sofa, and then again we have to get up from the sofa and perhaps have dinner. Then at last we retire for the night and repeat the process over and again the next day by getting up out of bed to start afresh. Getting up seems so easy, so natural, and so habitual. As mentioned earlier, it doesn’t take much thought to get up from any position. If you were to think abo...