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Just How Ambitious Are YOU!

How ambitious are you in fulfillment of your purpose? Ambition is the expression of your desire—it’s the thing that drives you. Remember, ambition is the talent agent that puts you in the spotlight on the stage of life. It’s the fuel that pushes you forward. It gives you confidence. Confidence is strength with style. Arnold Palmer says that confidence is a mix of concentration and pure hunger.

There’s an enormous difference between hunger and greed. Hunger is understanding that you have an infinite source of supply and that you’re here to do God’s work—after all, God is the creator and God’s work is creation. It’s why we all possess this hunger to express this power in a greater way every day. Greed, on the other hand, indicates there is a limited supply and we may not get our share so we will take it from anyone and everyone. We don’t care what happens to the next person—it’s every man for himself.
When you’re in harmony with the law, greed thinking does NOT exist.

What are you willing to sacrifice or endure in order to get yourself moved onto the right track towards fulfillment of your purpose? 

The fact is, no matter how easily your purpose comes to you, you’ll be asked to make sacrifices in order to fully bring it into your life. In order to have ANY good come into your life, you must create a space for it first. That’s the law. When I mention “sacrifice,” there are people who envision some kind of Old Testament ritual that involves really unhappy goats … I’m not talking about that kind of sacrifice.

There’s a common misconception out there that a “sacrifice” means you’re losing something. You’re not losing here. When you’re sacrificing something in order to operate at your higher level—your purpose and mission on this planet you’re just giving up something of a lower nature to bring in something of a higher nature.
You can’t get to the top of the ladder unless you leave the bottom.

This is true in every facet of life. Think of the people who are looking for a new relationship, but they still haven’t let go of the old one. Look at the people starting diet programs who just can’t give up their morning bagel with cream cheese. And in today’s economy, there are all kinds of people who have been downsized and are out looking for a new position—but they’ve still got the old position—with its negative emotional baggage fixed in their mind.

What would you sacrifice in order to move into a new life … in order to obtain your dream … in order to do every day what you love to do?

To consider sacrificing—first—what is not vital to your survival and—second—what is not
required to achieve your purpose. You’re not going to endanger your life or the lives of those around you.

You’re not going to give up your health. But you might give up something you enjoy as a pastime or hobby in order to devote more time to creating this dream of yours. You might be willing to endure a temporary cash crunch in order to get a brilliant idea up and running. You might be willing to give up one or two nights a week in order to receive the education, training or certification you need to get you one step closer to your goal!

So, Let’s decide:
We establish our purpose!
We build our vision!
We set our goals!


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