You can find all the reasons why you shouldn’t do something, but what you want to do will find all the reasons that you should.
One of the important points to understand is that the quality of answers that we get in our life is truly determined by the quality of the questions we ask in life. We should not ask ourselves whether we are worthy of our goals, but to ask if goals that we have are worthy of our lives. Every day we are exchanging our life energy for what we do, and the trade better be worth it. Life is too short. So let’s switch the question around and ask, “Am I prepared to exchange my life for these relationships?” “Am I prepared to exchange my life for this business?” “Am I prepared to exchange my life for the relationship that I have with God right now?” because that is exactly what we are doing every day. If the answer is “no,” well then, let’s make those changes.
Let’s learn the skills and the strategies to get the support around us to be able to make the necessary shifts. Based on where we are, we should ask what is the next logical step for us to take? What is the one thing that we can do today to move ourselves toward our end goal? If we take that premise and we apply it every single day, all of a sudden, we achieve those little tiny steps, which eventually add up to a big step when we look at it overall. Yes there is a sequence and order of things and it all starts with our very next step. Let’s go on to the next step and validate ourselves beyond ordinary!
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