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Remember the old adage which says, “Let the dead bury the dead.” In other words, what you want to do is to stop looking back in your life and worrying about things which have already occurred and which you can no longer alter. For pursuing that kind of mental activity will never lead to any worthwhile accomplishments in your life.
One should understand, moreover, that all of the great achievers of the past have been visionary figures; they were men and women who projected into the future and did not belabor over things which had already past. They thought of what could be, rather than what already was, and then they moved themselves into action to bring these things into fruition. The pioneering spirit of men and women of all faiths, creeds, and color has been put to great use. Those praiseworthy individuals were able to look into the future, to see what could be rather than what already was!

It would appear to be the case, that the masses of people have always lived their lives in the past tense. That is to say, by virtue of holding onto old memories, they have limited themselves to only “half a life.” Indeed, even as far back as the turn of the century, William James —one of the world’s most distinguished early psychologists—reached the conclusion, the average individual was using only a small portion of his or her real potential (perhaps as little as 10%). He considered this to be one of his most important psychological discoveries and, in this connection, he wrote, “Most people live, whether physically, intellectually, or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness, and of their soul’s resources in general.’   

The past, conversely, is the place where all life ends. But unfortunately, it is also the place where 95% of the people spend 95% of their time (which is, sadly, also their life). For example, it is an accepted ritual in our culture, for old friends to spend hours upon hours reminiscing or harping back on, “the good old days” of yesteryear. Hours upon wasted hours, of precious present “living time” is squandered, discussing people who are dead and gone, or reflecting upon things which used to be, but are no more. In fact, there are actually numerous individuals who spend their days collecting “things from the past”—or antiques, as they are sometimes called. These people collect everything from old match boxes to antique furniture.

Then, there is another large category of people, who consume the majority of their waking hours, reliving in their minds, past negative events which have occurred in their lives. They either spend valuable hours thinking of some past injustice which someone has done to them, or possibly about some unkind remark which someone had once directed in their direction. They bemoan and agonize over past failures, or missed opportunities which they somehow “let slip through their fingers.” Unfortunately for them, there is not even the most remote possibility of a positive thought entering their mind.

But until these people come to terms with the fact that it is they themselves who have been the authors of their own misfortune, and until they realize it is up to them to alter the course of their own lives, they are doomed to repeat their past failures over and over again. Therefore, to the extent that these people hold onto their false beliefs, they will continue to “Think in Reverse;” and it goes without saying, you cannot move ahead while your mind is travelling in the opposite direction.

As long as we continue to let our present or past results control our thinking process, we will never live to see our dreams come true. Therefore, if we sincerely desire to receive something which is new, we must first make room for it by ridding ourselves of that which is old. This is an ironclad law of life!

I think time has come for us to free ourselves from these mental shackles of the past. Reevaluate your present position and reexamine your future goal. Look straight ahead and fill your consciousness with great and grand thoughts of what you ultimately could do and what you eventually can be. Become acutely aware of the direction your mind is travelling, because ultimately, that is the way your life is going to unfold!

LET GO & LET GOD: Believe that whatever must happen for you to reach your goal/dreams/purpose of life, will happen!”


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