The following story should help underscore this great truth about infinite source of our own power. Visualize, if you will, a poor couple who have spent their entire lives living in the “backwaters” of civilization. Then imagine them suddenly transported to a small village where, to their astonishment, they discover that their new home is being lighted by “electricity.” Since they have had no previous experience with that force—in fact they have never even seen an electric light before, they are completely mesmerized by the little eight candlepower electric bulbs which light their home. Several months pass by and eventually the couple start to regard the light-bulbs as an accepted facet of modern life. However, one day a smooth-talking salesman appears at their door, telling them their eight candlepower electric bulbs are no longer adequate for their needs. He tells them they should buy the new sixty candle-powered bulbs which have just “come on the market.” Since the couple h...
"It's really true that if one can get rid of blame, live a life of being forgiven, and live a life of spirituality with gratitude, when you’re not in judgment of others or yourself, that’s when you can start connecting with WHO YOU REALLY ARE!!! Actually it's the journey which brings us happiness, not the destination. It's all about the beautiful journey of 'where we are to where we want to be!"