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Showing posts from October, 2018


The following story should help underscore this great truth about infinite source of our own power. Visualize, if you will, a poor couple who have spent their entire lives living in the “backwaters” of civilization. Then imagine them suddenly transported to a small village where, to their astonishment, they discover that their new home is being lighted by “electricity.” Since they have had no previous experience with that force—in fact they have never even seen an electric light before, they are completely mesmerized by the little eight candlepower electric bulbs which light their home. Several months pass by and eventually the couple start to regard the light-bulbs as an accepted facet of modern life. However, one day a smooth-talking salesman appears at their door, telling them their eight candlepower electric bulbs are no longer adequate for their needs. He tells them they should buy the new sixty candle-powered bulbs which have just “come on the market.” Since the couple h...

Be extremely mindful!

Our thoughts are our prayers for what we want. It is important to investigate the thoughts, which keep you feeling separate. Investigate the thoughts that create suffering or unhappiness in your life. As long as you still find yourself suffering, it means that you’re holding on to some belief or concept that is not true for you. The fact is, when we argue with reality we always lose. Investigating our thoughts means investigating what is really true for us. It’s amazing that when we ask questions the mind searches and will give us the answers. So it’s just really a matter of asking the right questions. The temporal circumstances of our daily life, the ups and downs, the successes and the disappointments, are all part of the unfoldment which is offered to us with great grace. It is all pointing us in the direction of a realized notion that we have the capacity to utilize this life experience as a playground of adventure and discovery. When we see every event from that pers...

It's all about Choice!

We have the capacity to choose any experience we desire. Oftentimes we have experiences that are difficult or challenging, and then because of the experience, we have the opportunity to understand ourselves and our true inner strength. However, if we choose something to be difficult, it’s difficult. If we consciously choose something to be a smooth experience, it is. For example, if something happens to make us feel that we are inadequate in some way, we began to develop a belief that we are inadequate. Then another thing occurs that validates that belief, and we start to look through a lens of inadequacy, constantly looking to validate the truth of that, because the subconscious mind is always collecting this kind of information and recording it. In the moments where we’re defining who we are relative to the experiences that we’re having, we have the opportunity to shift, or to step into the front side of the model and say, regardless of our relatives, regardless of our...

Enjoy the process of life!

It is wise to scan our life and look at all the actions that we have taken, which have inspired us and find the common thread in each of them. Look at where our skills are most profound. Look at what we have done that has been most inspiring, most meaningful and most purposeful to us and synthesize these. This will point us in a meaningful direction. Everything in our life is actually directing us! We should feel incredibly blessed for the circumstances and people who have come forward in our life. We should know that we are well protected and guided, because spirit is taking us where we need to go. When we experience tears of gratitude in our eyes, we’re on track. So, it is required to pay close attention to those moments and to live the life at the fullest every day by opening up new horizons inside ourselves. It's really true that “ Everything in our life is actually directing us towards things for which we are meant to be.... Enjoy the process of life at the deepest ...

Look for the obvious, AND BELIEVE!

“God puts people and circumstances in our life for a reason!” We all have a purpose in life that benefits others. Whether we allow God to use us to fulfill that purpose or not is up to us as individuals. Wrong choices, laziness and even fear can veer us away from what we were created to be. No one is perfect, but we must strive to be our best and we have to work hard and not sit around waiting for something to fall in our laps! We should try to use all of our mishaps along the way to learn and grow. We should know that, “What are the things at which I am good at? What brings me joy?” I should be honest about my circumstances, how they have shaped me as a person. Are they there to show me my purpose? What am I afraid of? Not everyone was created to be a rock star or a pro athlete and it’s not about money. I remember an example about a hammer. A hammer was created to pound nails. That hammer can be used to hit and destroy things, even to harm others. It can be used to hold a window...

Validate yourself beyond ordinary!

You can find all the reasons why you shouldn’t do something, but what you want to do will find all the reasons that you should. One of the important points to understand is that the quality of answers that we get in our life is truly determined by the quality of the questions we ask in life. We should not ask ourselves whether we are worthy of our goals, but to ask if goals that we have are worthy of our lives. Every day we are exchanging our life energy for what we do, and the trade better be worth it. Life is too short. So let’s switch the question around and ask, “Am I prepared to exchange my life for these relationships?” “Am I prepared to exchange my life for this business?” “Am I prepared to exchange my life for the relationship that I have with God right now?” because that is exactly what we are doing every day. If the answer is “no,” well then, let’s make those changes. Let’s learn the skills and the strategies to get the support around us to be able to make the necess...

Let's be happy now!

We should be honest with ourselves; we should admit and accept that which we didn’t do well and right, or the mistakes that we have made in our life. But at the same time we should be equally honest about all the things we have done well and right as it would give strength to overcome whatever adversity we are facing presently. We should be able to embrace and accept and appreciate that all the times we didn’t screw up, all the times we didn’t get it wrong, all the times we didn’t make a mess of something.   There’s just learning how to live with yourself, learning how to be yourself, learning how to be happy being who you are, what you are, the way you are right now. It’s so important to enjoy the moment. Yes, we can strive for more and be on a path to have more, but we should never be in “deferred gratification” mode where we have the mentality of “well I’m going to be happy later if I work real hard now.” No! Let’s be happy now.